October 28-29, 2020 Don’t Fear the Darkside Course

Thank you to Irmo Police Department for hosting the “Don’t Fear the Darkside” training course in October! The engagement amongst these impaired driving experts in invaluable.Hope to spread the word and have others who are passionate about impaired driving enforcement and prosecution join us at our next scheduled class in Mt. Pleasant, SC on December 10-11, 2020!

Course Feedback

“It was a great class. Informative for any officer that does or may enforce DUI laws” – Doug Bowling, Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office

“I’ve been to a good many DUI related courses. One of the best I’ve attended over the years” – James Bogan, Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office

“Had a good time and it was 100% worth the time/money/trip. Always good seeing ya” – Sean Biggs, Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office

“Was a great class, knowledge of the subject was great and everyone of the folks that talked to us brought a new perception to the game. Can’t wait to deploy the tactics learned” – Brian Barfield, York County Sheriff’s Office

“It was an awesome class and I would recommend it to anyone!” – Chris Shirley, Irmo Police Department

“I’m honored to have been included! How refreshing it is to see folks taking so much pride in their profession. Especially in such an important field. Everyone there was attentive, interested, and seemed to be enjoying themselves. I loved it!!!!” – Joe Leventis