Trial advocacy portion of our Don’t Fear the Dark Side class. This is as close as it gets without someone’s freedom in jeopardy. Thank you to instructors Phillip Darnell and JJ Evans for your awesome effort this week!
I2DS will be presenting on Standardized Field Sobriety at SCAJ where each year members gather together for three exciting days at the Marriott Resort and Spa on Hilton Head Island. Featuring a dozen seminars delivered by leading legal experts, the convention provides
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On May 5, 2022, I2DS will be presenting on Workplace Impairment in Greenville, SC. The Utilities Coordinating Committees of SC and NC consist of utilities working together for the citizens and utilities of by improving the efficiency of operation, maintenance, and construction
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Integrated Impaired Driving Solutions, LLC will be attending the largest gathering of highway safety professionals at the Lifesavers National Conference in Chicago, IL. If you are attending the conference and are interested in networking message or email us.
Day #1 of Don’t Fear The Darkside course in Aiken, SC in the books. Instructor Andrea Grinstead going over report writing session. Can you tell she’s excited about it? Attorneys in the house tomorrow. Be prepared as they will be bringing the heat on
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